All exterior repair and construction to building, fences, and yards, require written approval by the Board of Directors prior to the delivery of materials and the commencement of work. The purpose of this approval is to insure that Members are aware of the building standards and design requirements and to prevent BS&DS violations. Ignorance of the Building Standards and Design Requirements is not a basis for a waiver. Architectural control violation are subject to fines.

Architect Control
Building Standards
Building Standards
(a) ROOFS. All replacement roofs on Living Units shall be constructed using a fiber glass-based 3-tab shingle manufactured by the CertainTeed Corporation (Valley Forge, PA), in the color Heather Blend. If CertainTeed discontinues distribution of this product in the Dallas County, GAF Corporation (Wayne, New Jersey) fiber glass-based 3-tab shingle in the color Ash Brown may be substituted.
(b) SIDING AND TRIM. All lapboard siding is to be 12 inch, smooth sided fiberboard in a 7/16" - 8/16" thickness. Thinner (4/16" - 5/16") concrete fiber lapboard , simulated wood grain lapboard, and real wood lapboard are prohibited.
All windows shall be trimmed with a 1" x 4" smooth cedar board.
(c) GARAGE DOORS. All 16 foot wide garage doors must be of wood or metal composition with smooth surface without windows or patterns of any type.
(d) FENCES. All fences facing the street shall be six (6) feet in height and shall be constructed of wood pickets and stringers (preferably cedar). All perimeter fencing on the Lots shall be maintained in good condition with no missing pickets, slanted posts, or broken stringers, or excessive termite damage or wood rot.
Replacement fences visible from the street must use 1"x 6" pickets and steel posts and have a top trim rail (1" x 6"). All wood surfaces visible from the street must be treated with a water protective sealant in a Fox Black color. No posts or stringers shall be visible from the street. Replacement fence that is not visible from the street may have pickets as high as eight (8) feet.
(e) FRONT ENTRY. All entry doors shall be 6 panel, 2 top panels 7" X 9", 4 lower panels 25" X 9" constructed of wood or metal, without a window. Door hardware shall be finished in a bright brass or steel color. Metal storm doors (glass) may be used in addition to the entry door; provided such doors have frames of the same color of the entry door. Screen doors made of wood are prohibited for use on the front entry. Security bars and awnings are prohibited
(f) WINDOWS. All exterior windows should be Thermopane with brown window bars. Windows visible to the street may not be used to mount air conditioners units or fans.
(g) SATELLITE DISHES AND ANTENNAS. Satellite dish, outside television aerial or radio antenna shall be not be visible from the street. If an acceptable quality signal cannot be received under this standard, Members may apply for a variance.
Community Rules
Community Rules
(a) All living units shall have a working lamp post in the yard that is illuminated from dusk to dawn.
(b) No animals or poultry shall be kept on any lands within the Properties except ordinary household pets belonging to the household that conform to the requirements of the City of Irving. Animals shall not disturb the peace.
(c) No garbage, refuse, rubbish or cuttings shall be deposited on any street, road or Common Properties and not on any Lot unless placed in a manner that complies with the collection requirements of the City of Irving. Trash should not be put out earlier than 8 PM of the day prior to collection with the exception of brush and limbs which shall not be put out earlier than 5 days before collection.
(d) No boats, trailers, trucks, campers or commercial vehicles shall be parked or maintained in the Properties. Commercial vehicle is defined as any vehicle that has a commercial registration, or displays signage. This restriction shall not restrict trucks or commercial vehicles making pickups or deliveries to or in the Properties, nor shall this restriction prohibit trucks or commercial vehicles within the Properties which are necessary for the construction of residential dwellings or maintenance of the Common Properties.
(e) No play equipment, swing sets, trampolines, basket ball goals and any other play equipment shall be permanently located anywhere but at the rear of the house.
(f) No yard signs will exceed a customary and conventional size as to detract from the overall appearance the Property. Only signs for the purpose of selling, renting, or protection of the house and placed on the ground are permitted. Campaign signs shall be limited to one per candidate per Lot and removed the day after voting is complete.
(g) No clotheslines, drying yard, service yards, woodpiles or storage areas shall be so located as to be visible from a street or Common Properties.
(h) No exterior lighting installed on any Lot shall be either indirect or of such controlled focus and intensity as to disturb the residents of the adjacent property.
(i) All leases or rental agreements for Living Units shall be in writing and specifically subject to this Declaration, the Association Bylaws and Rules and Regulations. No Living Unit may be leased or rented for a period of less than six months. A copy of a the residential lease must be provided to the Association upon request.
(j) No inoperable motor vehicles, vehicles with out current registration and state inspection stickers, are permitted on The Property unless stored in the garage of a Living Unit. Vehicles cannot be repaired on The Property, unless repaired in the garage of a Living Unit with the door closed.
(k) No structures that will be visible to an adjacent Lot are permitted without the consent of the immediate neighbors.
What is the purpose of Architectural control and community rules?
When the community reached 25 years in age, the unsightly diversity from owners "doing their own thing", reached a point that owners took action and voted in legally binding building standards, community rules, and a system to fine owners that refused to be part of the community plan to keep the property looking cleaner and more contemporary.
What was the problem?
Mismatching garage doors, roofs, fences, front doors and a lot of resident vehicles in the street and visitor parking.
What are the standards and the rules and the fines?
Please see tabs on this page of "Building Standards", "Community Rules", and "Violation Fines".
What approvals are required?
All exterior repair and construction requires written approval by the Board of Directors prior to the delivery of materials and the commencement of work. The purpose of this approval is to insure that Members are aware of the building standards and design requirements and to prevent BS&DS violations. Note: Ignorance of the Building Standards and Design Requirements is not a basis for a waiver.
Is anything grandfathered?
Architectural compliance has been tracked by the association since 2009 to keep track of grandfathered exceptions. Violations that existed prior to 2013 only need to be resolved when work is done on the part of the house, fence, or lawn in violation. For example, if a home has had a garage door in violation, the owner only have to correct the violation when the garage door was being replaced.