What we do
What is our homeowners' association (HOA) about?
Beverly Oaks is about owners taking turns to manage the community infrastructure that we jointly own. The healthiest HOAs communities have widespread owner participation. Each of us should serve at least one term as a volunteer - not only to do our fair share but to be an informed voter when the programs and policies of the community are being decided. Beverly Oaks is unique in its requirement that owners approve (not the board) all discretionary and capital expenditures. The board is limited to approving only mandatory and emergency expenses as defined in the deed (CC&R deed restrictions).
The volunteers manage three common community interests important to all owners.
1. Infrastructure/Commons.
Our volunteer board manages:
- the water and sewer pipes that connect your meter to the Irving Water Department
- the concrete roadway that connects your driveway to the the public streets (Irving Heights)
- the storm gutters and large underground pipes that carry rainwater to the Trinity River
- the 2023 garages and mailboxes,
- the entry lighting and exit alley traffic spikes,
- the concrete fences surrounding the subdivision and the fire hydrants.
- More information
2. Maintenance. Our volunteers board manages the lawn mowing, irrigation, fertilization, tree trimming, exterior painting/siding and the routine maintenance of the light bulbs and electric eyes associated with the front yard pole lamps. These mandatory association services are listed in each owners deed (CC&R). More information.
3. Architectural Control. Our volunteer board enforces homeowner compliance with the building standards and the community rules. The standards and rules were originally established in 1982 and where updated in 2013 by a super-majority of owners (67% of all owners). The standards and rules are also part of the property deed and are filed with Dallas County property records. More information.